Don’t touch grass, observe architectureA wise man once speculated that the modern malaise begins with architecture. People look out on a city of concrete and glass and feel…Aug 10, 2024Aug 10, 2024
Forget LLMs, make yourself a mentatWhen I was at university, I worked part time tutoring high school maths. We’d regularly get kids who struggled with algebra, things like…Mar 28, 2024Mar 28, 2024
I’m in your kingdom of nouns, killin’ your complexityNames are compromises tooOct 15, 2023Oct 15, 2023
Is magic bad?Is it bad if a software component is “magic?” A recent blog featured on the front page of Hacker News captures an oft-repeated sentiment:Jan 20, 2023Jan 20, 2023
Git branching diagrams using PlantUMLLearning Microsoft Visio, then joining a company, then having to edit a legacy diagram in Lucidchart was the last straw. From…Oct 27, 20221Oct 27, 20221
Published inProAndroidDevKSP: Fact or kapt?Fast and ergonomic annotation processors for KotlinJun 13, 20211Jun 13, 20211